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>> Example 1: S. cerevisiae yeast transcription product profiling
>> Example 2: Knockout mouse transcription product profiling
>> Example 3: X ray irradiated culture cell transcription product profiling
>> Example 4: Drug stimulated culture cell transcription product profiling

>> Publications

Example 1: S. cerevisiae yeast transcription product profiling

MS-Profiling was used to analyze gene expression in four lots prepared from the same poly (A)+ RNA sample extracted from S. cerevisiae yeast. Electrophoretic images for all four lots matched, demonstrating HiCEP technology's high reproducibility (Fig. 3). Further, this method can detect 1.2X difference between gene expressions which undetectable by conventional hybridization.

Figure 3  MS Technology's high reproducibility and detection sensitivity

Figure 3    HiCEP Technology's high reproducibility and detection sensitivity

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Example 2: Knockout mouse transcription product profiling

Gene expression analysis was performed with genes from a knockout mouse. Not only were knocked out genes not expressed, but variations of expression levels of both known and unknown genes thought to be downstream were also observed (Fig. 6, Tab. 2). These results show that the expression of these approximately 500 genes is controlled either directly or indirectly by the knocked out gene.

Figure 6  Transcription product profiling in a knockout mouse

Figure 6    Transcription product profiling in a knockout mouse

Detected transcription products App. 20,000 genes
Supressed genes App. 200 genes
Activated genes App. 300 genes

Table 2    Number of genes whose expression level varied was affected by knockout

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Example 3: X ray irradiated culture cell transcription product profiling

Total RNA was extracted from X ray irradiated mouse embryo fibroblasts (MEF) and non-irradiated MEF, then gene expression analysis performed on both. Irradiation time was 6 hours. Results showed that X ray radiation resulted in increased expression of the p21 gene, which was then confirmed with RT-PCR (Fig. 7).

Figure 7  Fluctuations in p21 gene expression after X ray irradiation

Figure 7    Fluctuations in p21 gene expression after X ray irradiation

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Example 4: Drug stimulated culture cell transcription product profiling

A drug stimulus was administered to mouse cells after 12 hours of culturing. Total RNA was extracted after 0, 12, 24, and 32 hours of culturing and gene expression analyzed. Approximately 15,000 transcription products were detected, as were approximately 50 genes whose expression level either increased or decreased by a factor of two or more (Tab. 3). This example shows how HiCEP technology may be used effectively to search for drug stimulation marker genes.

Gene ID 0hr 12hr 24hr 32hr Gene ID 0hr 12hr 24hr 32hr
1 0 355 409 443 26 168 255 315 352
2 226 0 364 329 27 58 182 195 184
3 0 0 0 106 28 611 434 1121 1513
4 0 112 277 271 29 0 0 177 212
5 0 0 91 76 30 0 0 229 202
6 152 92 249 321 31 334 274 573 668
7 604 440 1208 1009 32 0 77 576 687
8 298 369 603 599 33 0 0 1546 1992
9 0 0 208 203 34 590 1542 6248 6479
10 0 104 250 239 35 356 421 2214 3248
11 0 62 161 128 36 0 0 361 377
12 446 524 1192 1071 37 0 0 858 748
13 0 0 502 342 38 0 103 745 822
14 446 524 1069 1062 39 0 0 729 854
15 0 0 751 529 40 321 509 4506 4557
16 304 566 703 662 41 0 94 1304 1306
17 2385 2862 4912 4717 42 0 0 1359 1619
18 302 341 449 1062 43 579 1467 5666 6814
19 0 0 787 817 44 239 354 2669 3396
20 2571 3230 5265 6182 45 250 462 3526 4511
21 188 211 396 365 46 0 0 292 293
22 0 0 855 951 47 280 302 651 605
23 0 0 207 248 48 0 0 783 714
24 1073 1131 1657 1771 49 371 939 5177 5531
25 0 892 1338 1352 50 146 194 1286 1470
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7. Fukumura R, Takahashi H, Saito T, Tsutsumi Y, Fujimori A, Sato S, Tatsumi K, Araki R, Abe M.
A sensitive transcriptome analysis method that can detect unknown transcripts.
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